Think photography and what do you instantly think of?… Family? Sunsets? Capturing the moment? Or, like a fair few people, do you think of Roads? Yep, you heard me right. Roads.
Some of the most mind blowing panoramics I’ve seen are of roads, sweeping off into the distance, or just disappearing to the infinity point which you can never quite see, but know is there. Wondering where those roads lead. Where does it start? Who’s been on it? These are but a few questions that may strike you when looking at an image of tarmac combined with nature. For me the way a road sweeps through it’s environment, as if on an important mission, just adds further mystery and intrigue to the photo.
Take a look at the examples below and see if you get a sense of what I mean;
In this instance, the black and white of this photo, enhances the beauty and mystery. It brings out the dust kicking up in the wheels, and adds a certain murky, early morning mood. You can see the car driving towards us. Where is it going? Also, where’s the person in the distance going? It looks like a long road to walk.
Here’s another b&w example. This time a panoramic perspective. Notice the contrast of the dark road, compared with the paler vegetation at the side, or the distant mountain range. The rolling clouds add even further to this shot, taken approaching the Sierra Nevadas, in North America.
Below, is another North American example (unless this is a very hidden part of the UK?!).

(c) Glenn Nagel - Long Desert Highway
This is a great example of how you can make a vertical panoramic work wonders. If you’ve got a tight patch of wall that’s not quite big enough to fit a picture sideways, but you want something amazing to put there, then try a vertical panoramic like this and have something incredible from the floor upwards to really grab your attention.
Below is one I recently took on a flyover, in my hometown of Norwich, UK. The shutter speed has been set to about 5 seconds here to capture the movement of the headlights and to pull enough of the street lighting in to make the scene stand out. I think this would look amazing cast above my sofa, so while you take in these images, I’m off to the production area!

(c) Peter Leigh 2014
(Featured image courtesy of
Marc Barker)